Tuesday, 11 December 2012

What would you do after you strike your first bucket of gold ?

Smart People start to use money to earn more money after striking their first bucket of gold by doing business. Some of them get richer but some of them back to square one.

Lets put up a scenerio for discussion,

You just strike a Toto and the prize is RM3.5 million. Wow ! The whole night you would not able to sleep. Lets begin, you might use RM500k for giving yourself a treat, example a luxury car, a new house, a lot of electronic gadgets that you always dream on. Then you left with RM3 million. Lets talk business, how you want to let the money grow to ensure you have enough money to live the rest of of life by quiting your current pressure cooker job ! Imagine your family income (include your wife) is RM7.5k per month ( RM90k annually). Here are a few options

1) Put all the money into Fix Deposit and earn 3% annually = RM90k .
Pro : Your money is 100% safe and consistently you & your wife can quit your jobs and have RM90k to     spend annually which you can maintain your current life style
Con : Year by year, there is inflation of around 4~5%, thus your spending power getting lesser and lesser, which you may eat into your capital and you may have nothing much left over for your children by the time you leave this world.

2) Put all the money into a few Dividend stocks =  (around 6% for REITS would be good) = RM180k.
Pro : You can use RM90k for the 1st few year and re-invest back the RM90k into the dividend stocks, with this your capital will keep growing and this will definitely cover the inflation and also indulge into some extra luxury items or tours.
Con : Your capital may not guarantee to maintain if the stocks you purchase keep dropping in price. So, the annual income may also fluctuate though you still get RM90k annually if your stock price drop to half price from your purchase price.

3) Put RM1 million into FD (interest RM30k), RM1 million into dividend stocks (dividend RM60k), RM1 million to trade ( assume you have acquire the necessary TA skill needed to trade), well target 15% annually consistently . So total annual income would be RM240k.
Pro : You can upgrade your lifestyle and also grow richer than your current wealth with this combination as you can use the extra money earn that you did not finish spending for trading capital.
Cons : If you lose 10% for a particular year, then one have to eat into his RM3 million capital as the RM90k earn from FD & dividend is not enough to cover the 10% lost, not to say the daily expenses.

Personally, I would opt for option 3, test our for say 5 years, if the growth is lesser than option 2, then I will switch to option 2 .

So, which one would you choose ? Lets share your view ;)

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