Monday, 2 January 2012

Quarterly trade/investment summary

Above is the results of last quarter in 2011, I would see it an average one , which I believe I can improve further.  Lets see how it will goes in 2012 .


  1. Assuming that you used RM30 000 for your trades and looking at the time frame, your investment rate of return for the quarter should hovers around 25% (forget about minor paper loss) That's impressive. The best unit trust in Malaysia can only registered around 30%. PER YEAR. It can only show that TA works. Even in KLSE where local institutions are main players.

  2. Impressive results.!
    What is MP and VI stand for?

  3. Hi trader ,
    thanks for the compliment .
    I would be humble to say happen that
    These 3mths my blogging happen to be a bull
    Mini rally

  4. Hi joy ,
    MP - momentum play ( more towards TA )
    Vi - value invest ( more towards FA , buy & hold)

  5. thanks wen, hows your blog business, hope is doing well, the way you set up do impress me .

